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Life Benefit 3a pension account

We offer subscription to the 3rd pillar pension foundation to anyone looking to make deposits under Art. 82 of the Swiss Federal Act on Occupational Old Age, Survivors’ and Invalidity Pension Provision (OPA) and the ordinance issued for this purpose (OPO 3).

The foundation will open a Life Benefit account with Banca Popolare di Sondrio (SUISSE) SA and task it with managing this account.

With the Life Benefit 3a pension account you can freely build up long-term assets effortlessly and benefit of preferential interest rates as well as tax benefits. Deposits at any of our branches, either in cash or by transferring funds from other accounts.

Only clients who already have a relationship (account) with the Bank can join and subscribe to the foundation.

Maximum tax-deductible amounts (2025):

  • For those with a 2nd pillar pension CHF 7,258
  • For those without a 2nd pillar pension CHF 36,288

On 1 January 2024 came the OASI 21 reform into force, for all the details please see the dedicated page.

STANDARD rate 0.40%
PREMIUM rate 1.00%
Any Clients who own one or more of the following banking products:
PassparTu package, Mortgage, Investment Advisory Service and Asset Management (no remuneration to customers who don’t hold any of the above mentioned products).
Used for Savings for pillar 3a restricted pension provision
Services on request None
Availability of funds • As per the statutory regulations
• 3 months’ notice required to transfer funds to another type of 3a pension scheme at a third-party institute
Account settlement Annual, with tax statement of contributions paid
Account statements Annual
Withholding tax None
Account maintenance costs None
Postage fees None
Management fees Early withdrawal to purchase/repay mortgage on amortisation/build/renovate main home: CHF 100.00.--*
Early withdrawal if leaving Switzerland permanently: CHF 100.00.--*
Reimbursement of contributions over and above the maximum tax-deductible amount: CHF 10.00.--*
Transfer to another form of pillar 3a coverage at a third-party institute: CHF 50.00.--

*Free if involving another BPS (SUISSE) account

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You can contact our call centre between 8 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. Monday to Friday on 00800 800 767 76 (calls from Switzerland are free).

Alternatively, you can use our contact request forms.

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